Dementia Action Awareness Week

Dementia Action Week is a national event that sees the UK public taking action to improve the lives of people affected by dementia. In 2024, the Week will take place on the 13th – 19th May.
Stand up for your loved ones this Dementia Action Week
Coronavirus has exposed the fact that families facing dementia have been failed by a social care system that is inadequate, hard to access, costly and unfair. People with dementia have been worst hit by the pandemic, accounting for a quarter of all coronavirus deaths in the UK.
The time has come for governments to set right decades of unfairness and underinvestment and to build a social care system we can all be proud of.
This Dementia Action Week, Alzheimer’s Society needs your help to call on the Government to rebuild the social care system in 2024. Will you get involved and show you care?
34.5 million of us know someone living with dementia in the UK. Together we can bring about change.
One in three of us born in the UK today will go on to develop dementia in our lifetime, and there will be one million people living with dementia by 2025 making dementia care one of the greatest challenges facing our society. With few existing treatments, it’s social care not the NHS that people affected by dementia rely on. People with dementia represent the majority of social care users, so it is vital that the care system is made fit for purpose.
A new system we can be proud of.
We need system that means every person living with dementia, and every carer, can get the support they need to stay happy, healthy and independent for as long as possible. This means quality care that is right for them, free and easy to get, no matter where you live – like the NHS.
The time has come to set right decades of unfairness and underinvestment and for Governments to create a legacy to be admired.
Alzheimer’s Society won’t stop until everyone can access the dementia care they so critically need, now and in the future.
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